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What is Calcium Fluoride

Renewal time: 2011-10-28 10:52:37
        Calcium Fluoride is a cell salt that is used by the body to help retain proper elasticity of the tissues. Any condition that arises from a loss of connective tissue integrity and strength, such as weaknesses of bone, enamel, ligaments and tendons and all prolapsed tissues as well as nodes and nodules can be treated with Calcium Fluoride.

        Where a patient suffers from the following conditions, a course of Calcium Fluoride may assist in their recovery.
        Depression, arising from groundless fears. A lack of flexible thought or a reduced tenacity of thought.
        Bony overgrowths, osteomas, exostoses or creaking noises in the head.
        Cataracts, flickering sparks before the eyes, blurred vision, eyes that ache after use or subcutaneous palpebral cysts.
        Tinnitus, stuffy, dry head colds but unable to sneeze, copious thick, greenish lumpy discharges, chronic sinusitis, indurated tonsils, irritated, tickling dryness in throat.
        Imperfect or with defective enamel, caries, loose teeth and hypersensitive to hot, cold or acidic foods and drinks.
        Cracked or mapped appearance.
        Vomiting of undigested food with faeces difficult to expel, motions recede, anal fissures, haemorrhoids or prolapsed anus.
        Asthma, tickling cough, irritation when lying down, emphysema, croup.
        Dilated blood vessels, aneurisms, varicose veins, cardiac hypertrophy, capillary fragility.
        Ganglia, cystic or calcified nodules, osteophytes, tenosynovitis, repetitive strain injury, necrosis of bone, prolapsed or strained intervertebral disc, cracking of joints, weak bones, slow healing fractures, osteomalacia, finger nodes.
        Uterine prolapse with a dragging feeling in the pelvis and thighs, cracked nipples, polyuria with frequent urging, incontinence, indurated or benign nodular testes, prostatic hypertrophy, hydrocele.
        Indurated lymphatic glands, nodular fascia, ganglion cysts on wrists, knotty breasts, cystic or hard calcified nodules anywhere.
        Skin hard and thickened, with tendency to crack, varicose ulcers, keratosis, cracking behind ears in children.

        The following dose guidelines should be observed when issuing Calcium Fluoride.
        Tablets are 6x homeopathic. Adult: Acute 9/day, chronic 6/day, maintenance 3-4/day. Child: Acute 6/day, chronic 4-6/day, maintenance 3/day. Infant 6 months -2 years: Acute 2-4/day, chronic 4-6/day, maintenance 3/day. Infant under 6 months: Acute 2/day, chronic 1/day, maintenance 1/day.