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Fluorine Chemical Prices Stopped Falling, Whole Market Lead to Stabilization

Renewal time: 2011-10-08 09:52:22
        September 20 China Chemical Network recently published "fluorite-fluorine chemical industry chain market analyses and forecast" reports that since September as demand for traditional demand quarter came and rebound in market cycles, multiple product market exist rise in price conditions. However some products including hydrofluoric acid have overcapacity problem. The price is expected to be hovering in the vicinity of 10,000 yuan/ton cost line.
        Zhang Jianjun, vice president of Blue Sky Research Institute of chemical industry on the same occasion also said that because of rapidly rising prices, including R134a,R125, R32 capacity started rise very quickly in the beginning of 2011, many of which are doubles production capacity, but the price has halved from the highest point, a new round of investment will lead to overcapacity, investor should prudent investment in new projects.
        Last week, R134a, aluminum fluoride, fluorite, hydrofluoric acid prices remained stable, the R22 is slightly higher.