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1211 extinguishant is a colorless, slight aromatic liquefied gas, b.p. -3.4°C and has such advantages as high effective, low poisonous, low corrosive, good isolative, no residue after long storage, no trace after extinguishing fire, etc
Physical properties
Formula CF2ClBr
Molecular weight 165.36
B.p., °C -3.4
Critical temperature, °C 154
Critical pressure, MPa 4.30
Critical density, kg/m3 713
Vapor pressure (20°C), MPa abs 0.229
Liquid density (20°C), kg/m3 1820
Saturated vapor density (20°C) kg/m3 16.84
Concentrations in extinguishing superficial fire 5%
NOAEL 0.5%
Quality Index of Product
GB4065-83 , corresponding to ISO7201-1: 1989 (E)
Purity, % ≥ 99.0
Water, mg/kg ≤ 20
Acidity (as HF), mg/kg ≤. 3
Halo-ion pass
Residue on evaporation, mg/kg ≤ 80
Color not deeper than No.15
Main Usage:Halon 1211 extinguishant is a kind of high effective, clean extinguishant, which is suitable to extinguish type B/C fire, and mainly filled in mobile extinguisher in the essential spots.
Packing:Filled in cylinders, each 150, 190, 700,1400kg net or as demanded by users. Its category of dangerous goods is 2.2, and its packing category is II.
Security:The filled cylinder is under pressure, and ought to be avoided bumping, falling, exposure and heat source during transport and storage.